Circulating Current Suppression Strategies for D-STATCOM Based on Modular Multilevel Converters
Paper in proceeding, 2015

This work focuses on the circulating current control of a STAtic synchronous COMpensator (STATCOM) based on Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC). Two circulating current estimation strategies are analyzed, with focus on the converter performance improvement. The conventional method to estimated the circulating current has been improved using a Second Order Generalized Integrator (SOGI) structure. The proposed strategy eliminates the third harmonie component from the circulating current through a SOGI filter. Simulated and experimental results compare both classical and proposed strategy in terms of reduction in the circulating current, dynamic behavior during reference changes and reduction in the STATCOM losses.

pwm statcom

Energy & Fuels

Circulating current


cascade converter


Modular Multilevel Converters (MMCs)


STAtic synchronous COMpensator (STATCOM)

Voltage-Source Converters (VSCs)


H. A. Pereira

Federal University of Viçosa

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

M. R. Haddioui

Aalborg University

L. O. M. de Oliveira

Federal University of Viçosa

L. Mathe

Aalborg University

Massimo Bongiorno

Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Electric Power Engineering

Remus Teodorescu

Aalborg University

2015 Ieee 13th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 1st Southern Power Electronics Conference (Cobep/Spec)

978-1-4799-8779-5 (ISBN)

Subject Categories

Energy Engineering





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