Selection of the most appropriate roadside vehicle restraint system - the SAVeRS project
Paper in proceeding, 2016

Run Off Road (ROR) crashes are road accidents that often result in severe injuries or fatalities. To reduce the severity of ROR crashes, "forgiving roadsides" need to be designed and this includes identifying situations where there is a need for a Vehicle Restraint System (VRS) and what appropriate VRS should be selected for a specific location and traffic condition. Whilst there are standards covering testing, evaluation and classification of VRS within Europe (EN1317 parts 1 to 8), their selection, location and installation requirements are typically based upon national guidelines and standards, often produced by National Road Authorities (NRA) and/or overseeing organisations. Due to local conditions, these national guidelines vary across Europe. The European SAVeRS project, funded within the 2012 CEDR Transnational Research Programme "Safety", has developed a practical and readily understandable VRS guidance document and a user-friendly software tool which allow designers and road administrations to select the most appropriate solution in different road and traffic conditions. This paper describes the main outcomes of the project, the process to select the most appropriate roadside barrier, and the user friendly SAVeRS tool.

crash predictions models

vehicle restraint systems

roadside safety

road infrastructure


F. La Torre

University of Florence

C. Erginbas

TRL Limited

Robert Thomson

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Vehicle Safety

Giuseppina Amato

Queen's University Belfast

B. Pengal

Civil Engineering Institute

C. Stefan

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

G. Hemmings

WSP Group

Transportation Research Procedia

23521457 (ISSN) 23521465 (eISSN)

Vol. 14 4237-4246

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Transport Systems and Logistics



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