Association between APOE Genotype and Change in Physical Function in a Population-Based Swedish Cohort of Older Individuals Followed Over Four Years
Journal article, 2016

The association between decline in physical function and age-related conditions, such as reduced cognitive performance and vascular disease, may be explained by genetic influence on shared biological pathways of importance for aging. The apolipoprotein F (APOE) gene is well-known for its association with Alzheimer's disease, but has also been related to other disorders of importance for aging. The aim of this study was to investigate possible associations between APOE allele status and physical function in a population-based longitudinal study of older individuals. In 2005, at the age of 75, 622 individuals underwent neuropsychiatric and physical examinations, including tests of physical function, and APOE-genotyping. Follow-up examinations were performed at age 79. A significantly larger decline in grip strength (p = 0.015) between age 75 and 79 was found when comparing APOE epsilon 4 allele carriers with non carriers [10.3 (+/- 10.8) kg versus 7.8 (+/- 10.1) kg]. No association was seen with decline in gait speed, chair-stand, or balance. The association with grip strength remained after correction for cognitive and educational level, depression, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and BMI.


grip strength

cognitive decline


Geriatrics & Gerontology

gait speed

APOE epsilon 4 allele




Neurosciences & Neurology


apolipoprotein-e polymorphism


grip strength


physical function


Ingmar Skoog

University of Gothenburg

Helena M Hörder

University of Gothenburg

Kerstin Frändin

University of Gothenburg

Lena Johansson

University of Gothenburg

Svante Östling

University of Gothenburg

Kaj Blennow

University of Gothenburg

Henrik Zetterberg

University of Gothenburg

Anna Håkansson

University of Gothenburg

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience

1663-4365 (ISSN)

Vol. 8 Article number: 225-

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Clinical Medicine



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