Collaborative Innovation: A Model For Selecting The Optimal Ecosystem Innovation Strategy
Paper in proceeding, 2016

Traditionally, innovation initiatives in software-intensive systems companies are viewed as either internal innovation, such as technology driven innovation based on ideas generated within a company, as collaborative innovation where a number of stakeholders co-create value, or as external innovation in which companies adopt strategies to capture and expand on ideas created by other stakeholders. However, and based on longitudinal case study research in six software-intense companies in the embedded systems domain, we see that most innovation strategies involve a mix of internal, collaborative and external elements. Due to the dichotomy in approaches however, companies often fail to select the optimal innovation strategy for the specific innovation challenge at hand. As a result, innovation initiatives suffer and companies and their ecosystem partners cannot fully capitalize on the value created. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework in which we identify twelve different ecosystem-centric innovation strategies. For each strategy, we identify the internal, the collaborative and the external elements. Also, and based on our empirical findings, we provide guidelines on the optimal selection of strategies.

strategy selection

collaborative innovation

innovation strategies


Helena Holmström Olsson

Malmö university

Jan Bosch

Software Engineering for Testing, Requirements, Innovation and Psychology

2016 42nd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (Seaa)


Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Software Engineering



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