On formalizing information-flow control libraries
Paper in proceeding, 2016
Many state-of-the-art IFC libraries support a variety of advanced features like mutuable data structures, exceptions, and concurrency, whose subtle interaction makes verification of security guarantees challenging. In this paper, we present a full-fledged, mechanically-verifiedmodel of MAC-a statically enforced IFC library. We describe three main insights gained during the formalization process. As previous libraries (e.g., LIO and HLIO), we utilize term erasure as the proof technique to show non-interference. This technique essentially states that the same public output should be produced if secrets are erased before or after program execution. Our first insight identifies challenges when the sensitivity of terms may depend on the context where they are used, thus affecting how they will be erased. This situation is not uncommon in MAC as well as other IFC libraries-in fact, we spot problems in the proofs of previous work. To deal with such complicated situations, we propose a novel erasure technique that performs erasure by additional evaluation rules, triggered by special-purpose constructs. Furthermore, we simplify reasoning about exception-aware primitives by removing sensitive exceptions from programs where secrets have been erased. We show progress insensitive noninterference for our sequential calculus and pinpoint sufficient requirements on the scheduler to prove progress-sensitive non-interference for our concurrent calculus. We prove that MAC is secure under a round-robin scheduler by simply instantiating our main scheduler-parametric theorem.
Information flow control
Concurrent calculi
Round robin schedulers
Concurrency control
Sequential calculus
Object oriented programming
Non interference
Subtle interaction