Superconducting Quantum Bits of Information - Coherence and Design Improvements
Book chapter, 2017

Qubits - quantum bits of information - can be realized in many natural or engineered quantum systems. By taking advantage of superposition states and entanglement, researchers can explore physics and develop new quantum technology, notably for quantum information processing. Superconductors are naturally well suited for making quantum devices. They dissipate very little energy, in principle enabling long lifetimes of the quantum states. Devices with nanoscale features can be made on a microchip, using lithographic techniques, and can be scaled to a large number of qubits in an integrated circuit. This chapter contains a description of qubit dynamics and decoherence, an introduction to the basic device concepts for superconducting qubits, and a discussion of the key advances that have led to modern, improved devices.

superconducting qubits

quantum computing



Jonas Bylander

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Quantum Device Physics

The Oxford Handbook of Small Superconductors, A.V. Narlikar

9780198738169 (ISBN)

Areas of Advance

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Condensed Matter Physics



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