An agent-based approach to supply side modeling of agricultural and power systems
Doctoral thesis, 2017
power system transitions
Agent-based modeling
agricultural land-use
Cobweb model
price fluctuations
market interaction
Emma Jonson
Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Physical Resource Theory
A cobweb model of land-use competition between food and bioenergy crops
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,;Vol. 53(2015)p. 1-14
Journal article
Impacts on Stability of Interdependencies Between Markets in a Cobweb Model
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,;Vol. 676(2015)p. 195-205
Journal article
Projection of a Heterogenous Agent-Based Production Economy Model to a Closed Dynamics of Aggregate Variables
Advances in Complex Systems,;Vol. 18(2015)p. 1550012-
Journal article
Jonson, E., Lundberg, L., Lindgren, K., Azar, C., Agent-based models versus optimization models of the electricity system - exploring the dynamics of a large scale expansion of wind power
Jonson, E., Lindgren, K., Cattle cycles and grain price volatility
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Subject Categories
Energy Systems
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 4234
EE, Hörsalsvägen 11
Opponent: Tatiana Filatova, University of Twente, the Netherlands