Motion features from lip movement for person authentication
Journal article, 2006

This paper describes a new motion based feature extraction technique for speaker identification using orientation estimation in 2D manifolds. The motion is estimated by computing the components of the structure tensor from which normal flows are extracted. By projecting the 3D spatiotemporal data to 2-D planes we obtain projection coefficients which we use to evaluate the 3-D orientations of brightness patterns in TV like image sequences. This corresponds to the solutions of simple matrix eigenvalue problems in 2D, affording increased computational efficiency. An implementation based on joint lip movements and speech is presented along with experiments which confirm the theory, exhibiting a recognition rate of 98% on the publicly available XM2VTS database.


Maycel Isaac Faraj

Chalmers, Signals and Systems

In Proceedings of the 18'th International Conference on Pattern Recognition-ICPR2006

1051-4651 (ISSN)

Vol. 3 1059- 1062

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Probability Theory and Statistics

Mathematical Analysis

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