Stochastic Geometry and Telecommunications Networks
Book chapter, 2009
Just as queueing theory revolutionized the study of circuit switched telephony in the twentieth century, stochastic geometry is gradually becoming a necessary theoretical tool for modelling and analysis of modern telecommunications systems, in which spatial arrangement is typically a crucial consideration in their performance evaluation, optimization or future development. In this survey we aim to summarize the main stochastic geometry models and tools currently used in studying modern telecommunications. We outline specifics of wired, wireless fixed and ad hoc systems and show how stochastic geometry modelling helps in their analysis and optimization. Point and line processes, Palm theory, shot-noise processes, random tessellations, Boolean models, percolation, random graphs and networks, spatial statistics and optimization: this is a far from exhaustive list of techniques used in studying contemporary telecommunications systems and which we shall briefly discuss.
Random tessellations
Shot-noise processes
Point and line processes
Palm theory
Performance evaluation
Boolean models