Load Modelling for Fatigue Assessment of Vehicles - a Statistical Approach
Doctoral thesis, 2007
road load modelling
design of experiments
customer correlation
vehicle independent load models
lateral loads
Magnus Karlsson
Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Statistics
University of Gothenburg
Evaluation of approximative methods for rainflow damage of broad-banded non-gaussian random loads
Proceedings of the 2005 ASME international Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,;(2005)
Paper in proceeding
Driver Independent Road Curve Characterisation
Vehicle System Dynamics,;Vol. 41(2004)p. 411-420
Journal article
Subject Categories
Vehicle Engineering
Probability Theory and Statistics
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 2568
10.15 Sal Pascal
Opponent: Prof. Harald Krogstad, NTNU, Norway