Suprathermal Electrons and Alfvén Eigenmodes in Sawtoothing Tokamak Plasmas
Licentiate thesis, 2007
magnetohydrodynamic spectroscopy
Alfvén cascade
suprathermal electron
thermonuclear instability
Fusion plasma physics
fast electron bremsstrahlung
toroidal Alfvén eigenmode
Patrik Sandquist
Chalmers, Department of Radio and Space Science, Non-Linear Electrodynamics
Experimental studies of instabilities and confinement of energetic particles on JET and MAST
Nuclear Fusion,;Vol. 45(2005)p. 1168-
Journal article
Relativistic electron distribution function of a plasma in a near-critical electric field
Physics of Plasmas,;Vol. 13(2006)p. 072108-
Journal article
Fast electron bremsstrahlung in low density, grassy sawtoothing plasmas on JET
32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. Tarragona, June 27-July , 2005, ECA,;Vol. 29C(2005)p. D1.006-
Paper in proceeding
Subject Categories
Physical Sciences
Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics
Technical report L - Department of Radio and Space Science, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden: 19
Opponent: Dr. Lars-Göran Eriksson