TFX: The TPTP Extended Typed First-Order Form
Paper in proceeding, 2018

The TPTP world is a well established infrastructure that supports research, development, and deployment of Automated Theorem Proving systems for classical logics. The TPTP language is one of the keys to the success of the TPTP world. Originally the TPTP world supported only first-order clause normal form (CNF). Over the years support for full first-order form (FOF), monomorphic typed first-order form (TF0), rank-1 polymorphic typed first-order form (TF1), monomorphic typed higher-order form (TH0), and rank-1 polymorphic typed higher-order form (TH1), have been added. TF0 and TF1 together form the TFF language family; TH0 and TH1 together form the THF language family. This paper introduces the eXtended Typed First-order form (TFX), which extends TFF to include Boolean terms, tuples, conditional expressions, and let expressions.


Geoff Sutcliffe

University of Miami

Evgenii Kotelnikov

Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Formal methods

CEUR Workshop Proceedings

16130073 (ISSN)

Vol. 2162 72-87

Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning
Oxford, ,

Areas of Advance

Information and Communication Technology

Subject Categories

Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering

Computer Systems

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