Residual States for Modal Models Identified from Accelerance Data
Paper in proceeding, 2019

Residual stiffness and mass terms are often employed in frequency response synthesis to compensate for outside band eigenmodes in the identification of modal models from test data. For structures that have strongly participating modes above the test frequency band, it has been observed that in particular direct accelerances with strong outside-band modal contribution tend to render modal models that give poor fit to test data. For such problems it may be insufficient to just add residual mass and stiffness terms to the accelerance modal series to get a sufficiently improved fit. For accelerance, such residual terms are constant and quadratic in frequency. Another, residual term that is quasi-linear over the frequency range of interest has been found to augment the identified model. In this paper that complementary term is added to the constant and quadratic terms in a state-space model identification with a subspace state-space identification method. A comparison is performed to an alternative residualisation method. The methods' results are compared on simulated finite element test data from of an automotive component.

modal analysis

subspace state-space identification

direct accelerance

system identification



Mladen Gibanica

Volvo Cars

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Dynamics

Thomas Abrahamsson

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Dynamics

Randall J. Allemang

University of Cincinnati

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

21915644 (ISSN) 21915652 (eISSN)

Vol. 9 195-206
978-3-319-74700-2 (ISBN)

Orlando, FL, USA,

Subject Categories

Applied Mechanics



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