An energy-based discontinuous Galerkin method for coupled elasto-acoustic wave equations in second-order form
Journal article, 2019

We consider wave propagation in a coupled fluid-solid region separated by a static but possibly curved interface. The wave propagation is modeled by the acoustic wave equation in terms of a velocity potential in the fluid, and the elastic wave equation for the displacement in the solid. At the fluid solid interface, we impose suitable interface conditions to couple the two equations. We use a recently developed energy-based discontinuous Galerkin method to discretize the governing equations in space. Both energy conserving and upwind numerical fluxes are derived to impose the interface conditions. The highlights of the developed scheme include provable energy stability and high order accuracy. We present numerical experiments to illustrate the accuracy property and robustness of the developed scheme.

elastic wave equation

acoustic wave equation

discontinuous Galerkin method

high order accuracy


Daniel Appelö

University of Colorado at Boulder

Siyang Wang

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

University of Gothenburg

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

0029-5981 (ISSN) 1097-0207 (eISSN)

Vol. 119 17 618-638

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Applied Mechanics

Computational Mathematics

Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics



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