Quantum Spins and Random Loops on the Complete Graph
Journal article, 2020

We present a systematic analysis of quantum Heisenberg-, xy- and interchange models on the complete graph. These models exhibit phase transitions accompanied by spontaneous symmetry breaking, which we study by calculating the generating function of expectations of powers of the averaged spin density. Various critical exponents are determined. Certain objects of the associated loop models are shown to have properties of Poisson-Dirichlet distributions.


Jakob Björnberg

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Analysis and Probability Theory

University of Gothenburg

Juerg Froehlich

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH)

Daniel Ueltschi

The University of Warwick

Communications in Mathematical Physics

0010-3616 (ISSN) 1432-0916 (eISSN)

Vol. 375 3 1629-1663


Basic sciences

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Other Physics Topics

Theoretical Chemistry

Condensed Matter Physics



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