A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet*
Journal article, 2020
galaxies: evolution
submillimeter: ISM
galaxies: individual: ESO 420-G13
ISM: jets and outflows
techniques: high angular resolution
galaxies: active
J. A. Fernandez-Ontiveros
National Observatory of Athens
University of La Laguna
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
Istituto nazionale di astrofisica (INAF)
K. M. Dasyra
National Observatory of Athens
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
University of Athens
E. Hatziminaoglou
European Southern Observatory Santiago
M. A. Malkan
University of California at Los Angeles
M. Pereira-Santaella
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
University of Oxford
M. Papachristou
National Observatory of Athens
University of Athens
L. Spinoglio
Istituto nazionale di astrofisica (INAF)
F. Combes
Sorbonne University
Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC)
Susanne Aalto
Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
N. Nagar
University of Concepcion
M. Imanishi
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI)
National Institutes of Natural Sciences
P. Andreani
European Southern Observatory Santiago
C. Ricci
Beijing University of Technology
Diego Portales University
R. Slater
Universidad Andrés Bello
Astronomy and Astrophysics
0004-6361 (ISSN) 1432-0746 (eISSN)
Vol. 633 A127Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Aerospace Engineering
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics