Thermo-fluids effects of a grooved circular cylinder in laminar flow regimes
Journal article, 2021

The force coefficients and heat transfer related to a circular cylinder with grooved surfaces are studied at Re ≤ 200. Three types of grooved surfaces are examined: square, triangle, and dimple. The grooves are arranged at θ = 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° from the forward stagnation point of the cylinder. It is shown that the existence of a groove controls the dynamic behavior of the vortices; as such lift and drag coefficients have been varied considerably, depending on the shape of the groove and θ. The coefficients appear very sensitive to triangle grooved surface, in particular, as θ varies to 45°. The results reveal that triangle grooved surface could produce minimum drag coefficient when θ varies to 45 for all examined Re; this is found much lower than that of the square and dimple grooved surfaces and even smooth cylinder. A significant enhancement of the Nu is attained in the wake of the triangle grooved cylinder surface with the angle of the location of 45 . At low Reynolds number (Re = 50), the Nu value of triangle grooved surface with θ = 0°is shown higher than that of other grooved surfaces, whereas this value is found to the lowest at high Reynolds number (Re = 200). 0 0

Reynolds number

Angle of location

Grooved circular cylinder

Force coefficients and Nusselt number


Javad Farrokhi Derakhhsandeh

American University of the Middle East

Zahra Ghorbani Tari

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Fluid Dynamics

Nima Gharib

American University of the Middle East

International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

0735-1933 (ISSN)

Vol. 124 105272

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)


Physical Chemistry




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