Unlocking the potential of a caged star: Thermoelectric quaternary clathrates
Doctoral thesis, 2021
This not only leads to an eternal struggle, via the pursuit of maximal efficiency, it also undermines our efforts to solve the two issues that pose the most significant challenges to modern society: climate change and the worlds surging energy need. Thanks to our inherent ingenuity, humankind has, however, been adept at finding ways of harnessing the power of heat; from the fires that lit up the neolithic era to the steam engines of the industrial revolution. Thermoelectrics can, in some sense, be seen as the next step in this endeavour, since they allow the direct conversion of a temperature difference to an electric voltage.
This thesis summarises a seven year long journey, which has focused on a fascinating and unique group of thermoelectric materials, namely inorganic clathrates. Though these have been the subject of intense research over the last three decades, many of their properties and attributes have, as of yet, not been fully explored. In particular, this project has addressed three fundamental questions: (i) Why is the lattice thermal conductivity intrinsically low? (ii) What is the impact of chemical ordering on the physical properties? (iii) How can the electronic transport be optimised?
Due to the inherent complexity of these materials, computational and experimental methods should ideally be used in tandem, in order to gain further insights. This project has, thus, involved the use of both atomic scale simulations, based on a combination of density functional theory, alloy cluster expansions, and Monte Carlo simulations, as well as advanced measurement and characterisation techniques. Through these efforts, the confusion regarding the origin of the low lattice thermal conductivity has partly been clarified. In addition, it has been shown that chemical ordering in these materials leads to the emergence of an order-disorder transition, which has a direct impact on the physical properties. Last but not least, it is found that the consideration of ternary systems can facilitate the enhancement of the thermoelectric performance by enabling not only independent tuning of doping level and band structure via the composition, but also manipulation of the nano- and microstructure.
Monte Carlo
Boltzmann Transport
Inorganic clathrates
Cluster expansion
Joakim Brorsson
Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Applied Chemistry
Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of Ba8Ga16Ge30 Clathrate by Modulation Doping and Improved Carrier Mobility
Advanced Electronic Materials,;Vol. 7(2021)
Journal article
Thermal conductivity in intermetallic clathrates: A first-principles perspective
Physical Review B,;Vol. 100(2019)
Journal article
Order-Disorder Transition in Inorganic Clathrates Controls Electrical Transport Properties
Chemistry of Materials,;Vol. 33(2021)p. 4500-4509
Journal article
Investigating the Chemical Ordering in Quaternary Clathrate Ba₈AlₓGa₁₆₋ₓGe₃₀
Inorganic Chemistry,;Vol. 60(2021)p. 16977-16985
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Efficient Calculation of the Lattice Thermal Conductivity by Atomistic Simulations with Ab Initio Accuracy
Advanced Theory and Simulations,;Vol. 5(2022)
Journal article
Strategic Optimization of the Electronic Transport Properties of Pseudo-Ternary Clathrates
Advanced Electronic Materials,;Vol. 8(2022)
Journal article
First-Principles Study of Order-Disorder Transitions in Pseudobinary Clathrates
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,;Vol. 125(2021)p. 22817-22826
Journal article
Mycket av forskningen kring termoelektriska klatrater har syftat till att utröna sambandet mellan de termoeletriska egenskaperna och värdatomernas fördelning i materialet, vilket motsvarar graden av kemisk ordning, samt interaktioner med gästatomerna. Målet med mitt arbete, som bygger på en kombination av experimentella studier samt datorberäkningar baserade på maskininlärning, har specifikt varit att finna svar på tre fundamentala frågor rörande klatrater: (i) Vad är orsaken till den låga termiska ledningsförmågan? (ii) På vilket sätt påverkas de fysiska egenskaperna av den kemiska ordningen? (iii) Hur kan de elektriska egenskaperna optimeras?
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Inorganic Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
Condensed Matter Physics
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Basic sciences
C3SE (-2020, Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering)
Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory
Areas of Advance
Materials Science
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 4998
Venue: 10-an, Research house 1, Chemistry building [Online: password can be obtained upon request]
Opponent: Ole Martin Løvvik, Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics, University of Oslo