Opportunistic Routing and Synchronous Transmissions Meet TSCH
Paper in proceeding, 2021

Low-power wireless networking commonly uses either Time-Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH), synchronous transmissions, or opportunistic routing. All three of these different, orthogonal approaches strive for efficient and reliable communication but follow different trajectories. With this paper, we combine these concepts into one protocol: AUTOBAHN.

AUTOBAHN merges TSCH scheduling with opportunistically routed, synchronous transmissions. This opens the possibility to create long-term stable schedules overcoming local interference. We prove the stability of schedules over several days in our experimental evaluation. Moreover, AUTOBAHN outperforms the autonomous scheduler Orchestra under interference in terms of reliability by 13.9 percentage points and in terms of latency by a factor of 9 under a minor duty cycle increase of 2.1 percentage points.

(Industrial) Internet of Things

Central Scheduling

Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks

Synchronous Transmission


Opportunistic Routing


Laura Harms

Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Networks and Systems (Chalmers)

University of Kiel

Olaf Landsiedel

Network and Systems

University of Kiel

Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN

Vol. 2021-October 107-114
9780738124766 (ISBN)

IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)
Edmonton, Canada,

Subject Categories

Computer Engineering


Communication Systems

Areas of Advance

Information and Communication Technology



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