Intermittent current interruption method for commercial lithium ion batteries aging characterization
Journal article, 2022

In this article, a pioneering study is presented where the intermittent current interruption method is used to characterize the aging behaviour of commercial lithium ion batteries. With a very resource-efficient implementation, this method can track the battery resistive and diffusive behaviours over the entire state of charge range and be able to determine the aging throughout the life time of the batteries. In addition, the incremental capacity analysis can be carried out with the same data set. This method can provide measurement results with a high repeatability and produce equivalent information as the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method. In this study, both the resistive and diffusive parameters increase with the battery capacity fading. This method does not require advanced test equipment and even with a 0.1 Hz sampling frequency, it is possible to extract usable parameters by prolonging the interruption length. Therefore, it has the potential to be easily implemented in the charging sequence in electric vehicles or stationary storage batteries for aging diagnostics.

Battery charge measurement








Charge transfer

Surface impedance


Zeyang Geng

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering

Torbjörn Thiringer

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering

Matthew Lacey

Scania AB

IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification

2332-7782 (eISSN)

Vol. 8 2 2985-2995

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Medical Laboratory and Measurements Technologies

Geotechnical Engineering

Other Chemical Engineering



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