From BIM to VR - Integrating immersive visualizations in the current design process
Paper in proceeding, 2014

This paper presents a system that allows immersive visualizations to become a natural and integrated part of the current building design process. It is realized through three main components: (1) the Oculus Rift - a new type of Head Mounted Display (HMD) directed at the consumer market, (2) a real-time rendering engine supporting large Building Information Models (BIM) that is, (3) implemented as a plug-in in a BIM authoring software. In addition to provide details regarding the implementation and integration of the different components in our system, we present an evaluation of it from three different perspectives; rendering performance, navigation interface and the ability to support fast design iterations.

Building information modeling



real-time rendering

Virtual reality


Mikael Johansson

Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Construction Management

Mattias Roupé

Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Construction Management

Mikael Viklund Tallgren

Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Construction Management

Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe

26841843 (ISSN)

Vol. 2 261-269
978-94-91207-06-8 (ISBN)

Subject Categories

Other Computer and Information Science

Software Engineering

Human Computer Interaction

Other Civil Engineering

Areas of Advance

Information and Communication Technology

Building Futures (2010-2018)

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