Exploring Pharmaceutical Mass Customization
Doctoral thesis, 2022
To address this challenge of achieving the cost-effective production of customized pharmaceutical products, this thesis explores a unified approach to cost-effective design, manufacturing and supply of customized pharmaceutical products. For this purpose, the mass customization principles of product modularization, process flexibility and postponement are adopted and adapted in a pharmaceutical production context.
This thesis proposes methodologies to design and model customized pharmaceutical products and production systems in a unified manner. Furthermore, customized product designs are proposed using product modularization as a design strategy and reconfigured pharmaceutical supply chain (SC) archetypes using postponement as a strategy for the cost-effective design, manufacturing and supply.
The findings suggest that an increased degree of modularization in the pharmaceutical product increases the patient benefit and thus improves therapeutic patient outcomes. In addition, current mass production platforms do not display the process flexibility required for the cost-effective production of customized pharmaceutical products. Moreover, with an increased degree of postponement, opportunities for reduced production costs in the SC emerge. Finally, the cost-effective customization of pharmaceutical products requires an integrated approach of product modularization and postponement. While modeling the production system, this thesis, however, considers an SC from the manufacturer to the pharmacy and patient assessing contemporary cost-effectiveness. Future research directions should investigate societal consequences from a wider, spatial and temporal, health care system perspective.
mass customization
pharmaceutical product customization
product modularization
process flexibility
Maria Daniela Irene Siiskonen
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Product Development
Pharmaceutical product modularization as a mass customization strategy to increase patient benefit cost-efficiently
Systems,;Vol. 9(2021)
Journal article
Integrated product and manufacturing system platforms supporting the design of personalized medicines
Journal of Manufacturing Systems,;Vol. 56(2020)p. 281-295
Journal article
Adapting discrete goods supply chains to support mass customisation of pharmaceutical products
Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications,;Vol. 29(2021)p. 309-327
Journal article
Siiskonen, M., Govender, R., Malmqvist, J, Folestad, S. Modeling the cost-benefit impact of integrated product modularization and postponement for pharmaceutical mass customization
However, currently, pharmaceutical products are not produced in enough variety for the broad population to acquire their optimal treatment. Patients are thus left with unsatisfied therapeutic needs. There is a lack of product designs for cost-effective large-scale availability of such customized pharmaceutical products. Furthermore, there is a lack of cost-efficient approaches to manufacturing and supplying the variety of such pharmaceutical products required.
This thesis has explored the cost-effective product and production system designs for pharmaceutical product customization. Pharmaceutical product designs are suggested that embrace modular designs for the treatment adaptability to individual patient needs cost-effectively. Furthermore, this thesis proposes reconfigurations to the pharmaceutical supply chain for the cost-efficient manufacturing and supply of such, to the individual needs customized, pharmaceutical products. The results obtained in this thesis are promising for further exploration and exploitation of pharmaceutical customization.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Other Mechanical Engineering
Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
Areas of Advance
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5125
Virtual Development Laboratory (VDL), Chalmers Tvärgata 4C, Göteborg.
Opponent: P John Clarkson, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom