Report, 2022
In this project the direct effects of infrastructure projects in relation to the three perspectives (socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural-historical are described and measured in a precise manner through a series of spatial analyses. The cumulative, indirect, effects and broader consequences are also assessed, in relation to the sustainable development goals. The overall assessment methodology is based on a before-and-after analysis workflow, systematically comparing the existing situation (how it is, how it functions, how it affects people) to the future scenarios proposed by planning. The methodology is showcased using two infrastructural transformations projects in Söderköping and Mölndal, Sweden, as case studies.
The overarching goal of the research project is to contribute to an improved integration between infrastructure and local urban areas and communities in projects initiated and developed by the Swedish Transport Authority, Trafikverket. The presented methodology builds on the ILKA (Integrerad landskapskaraktärsanalys) method, currently used by the Swedish Transport Authority. While ILKA focuses mainly on the inventory of the current landscape on a regional scale, this project widens the scope to also address urban areas and to include, besides the ecological descriptions, also socio-economic and cultural-historical analysis that are currently less emphasized. Such an integrated method can improve the ability of the Swedish Transport Authority to develop projects that contribute to sustainable urban development and, furthermore, create a unified work procedure in the organization.
impact assessment
sustainable urban development
barrier effects
infrastructure transformations
spatial analysis
built environment
transport infrastructure
Meta Berghauser Pont
Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Urban Design and Planning
Ioanna Stavroulaki
Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Urban Design and Planning
Oskar Kindvall
Calluna AB
Emy Lanemo
Norconsult AB
Monika Levan
Swedish Transport Administration
Urban infrastructure impact assessment of road infrastructure in urban environments
Swedish Transport Administration (TRV 2019/107756), 2020-01-01 -- 2021-11-30.
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Landscape Architecture