Advancing the Implementation of Protective Measures for Drinking Water Sources in Sweden
Licentiate thesis, 2022
The overarching aim of this thesis is to improve the implementation of water protection measures for drinking water sources in Sweden. The thesis shows how effective management of water sources can be improved by considering drinking water protection as a spatial planning problem. It illustrates how knowledge of spatial planning can be integrated with a set of theories, concepts, and methods to address some of the critical challenges affecting the implementation of water protection measures. Special attention is dedicated to the concept and methods of ecosystem services assessment, the theory of environmental justice, the methods of risk and uncertainty assessment, and the experience with the inclusion of traditional knowledge in spatial planning.
The findings indicate that the implementation of water protection measures could improve by engaging with more modern theories of spatial planning. It provides a method to comprehensively and efficiently map the many benefits that drinking water sources provide to society through the adaptation of the ecosystem services framework. Furthermore, a broader range of consequences towards water system services is accounted for with the newly developed risk assessment method improving the representativeness of the landscape complexity. Lastly, this work shows that knowledge of distributional justice could be used for the prioritization of water protection measures.
Future research will address the remaining challenges with the integration of uncertainties, quantitative risk assessments and interregional learning. The research will represent a significant step towards the effective implementation of drinking water protection measures in Sweden.
surface water
drinking water
risk assessment
spatial planning
water protection
mitigation measures
Nadine Gärtner
Integrating Ecosystem Services into Risk Assessments for Drinking Water Protection
Water (Switzerland),;Vol. 14(2022)
Journal article
Gärtner N., Rosén L., Lindhe A. Socio-economic disparities in the supply of drinking water in a Swedish region
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
Water Engineering
Environmental Sciences
Lic / Architecture and Civil Engineering / Chalmers University of Technology: 2022:6
SB-S393, seminar room, Sven Hultins Gata 6, Samhällsbyggnad I-II
Opponent: Ursula McKnight, SMHI, Sweden