Eigenvalues of singular measures and Connes' noncommutative integration.
Journal article, 2022

In a domain Ω⊂R^N we consider compact, Birman–Schwinger type operators of the form T​=A^∗P A with P being a Borel measure in Ω, containing a singular part, andA being an order −N/2 pseudodifferential operator. Operators are defined by means of quadratic forms. For a class of such operators, we obtain a proper version of H. Weyl's law for eigenvalues, with order not depending on dimensional characteristics of the measure. These results lead to establishing measurability, in the sense of Dixmier–Connes, of such operators and the noncommutative version of integration over Lipschitz surfaces and rectifiable sets.

eigenvalue asymptotics

singular measures

Design for manufacturing, welding, tolerance, robust design

Connes integration

Weyl law


Grigori Rozenblioum

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences

Euler International Mathematical Institute

Sirius University of Science and Technology

Journal of Spectral Theory

1664-039X (ISSN) 1664-0403 (eISSN)

Vol. 12 1 259-300

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Mathematical Analysis



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