Liquid Crystals: Cholesteric, Guest-Host, and Polymer-Dispersed
Book chapter, 2015

If we abandon the mirror symmetry present in the ordinary nematics, a new world opens up for applications, for photonics as well as for displays. The basic new phenomenon that now appears is scattering. In practice, we enter this domain by using cholesterics, which is the chiral form of nematics. The nematogenic molecules might themselves be chiral, but we could also, in principle, obtain the cholesteric by adding chiral dopants to the material. If we add dichroic dyes or polymerizable materials to the liquid crystal, we can create highly interesting devices based on either absorption or scattering or both. Cholesteric and nematic devices based on scattering and dichroic effects will be discussed in this entry.


Sven Lagerwall

Chalmers University of Technology

Per Rudquist

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Electronics Material and Systems

Encyclopedia of Optical and Photonic Engineering Second Edition

9781351247177 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Condensed Matter Physics



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