Musical agents: A typology and state of the art towards Musical Metacreation
Journal article, 2019

Musical agents are artificial agents that tackle musical creative tasks, partially or completely. This review of musical agents combines the terminology of Generative Arts (artistic practice) and the scientific literature of Computational Creativity, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), and Artificial Intelligence. We define Musical Metacreation as a field that studies the partial or complete automation of musical tasks. We survey seventy-eight musical agent systems, and present a typology of musical agents. After examining the evaluation methodologies of musical agents, we propose possible future steps while mentioning ongoing discussions in the field.

computational creativity

musical agents

musical metacreation

multi-agents systems

artificial intelligence


Kivanc Tatar

Data Science and AI

Philippe Pasquier

Simon Fraser University

Journal of New Music Research

0929-8215 (ISSN)

Vol. 48 1 56-105

Areas of Advance

Information and Communication Technology

Subject Categories


Computer Science



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