Particle Filter based on Jaya optimisation for Bayesian updating of nonlinear models
Journal article, 2024

Particle filter (PF) is a powerful and commonly used filtering technique based on Sequential Monte Carlo framework. The main challenge in using PF for nonlinear state and parameter estimation is the degeneracy of particles. Although resampling techniques can solve this to some extent, it would still result in particle impoverishment when a limited number of particles are used thereby affecting the accuracy. Hence, a hybrid metaheuristic optimisation algorithm that combines the PF with Jaya optimisation, (PF-JAYA) has been proposed and implemented for joint state and parameter estimation for geotechnical engineering problems. The performance of PF-JAYA has been compared against the traditional Particle Filter with Sampling Importance Resampling (PF-SIR) technique. The synthetic examples show that PF-JAYA outperforms PF-SIR in terms of accuracy, rate of convergence, parameter identification and particle diversity. Furthermore, the performance of PF-JAYA is independent of the choice of prior distribution and due to its superior convergence proves to be efficient when working with sparse monitoring information. The performance of PF-JAYA on Bayesian updating of state and parameters of an elastoplastic model for a synthetic embankment case has also been evaluated where, along with PF-SIR, the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) is also chosen for comparison. Finally a further evaluation using the Lorenz ‘63 model, shows the superior performance of PF-JAYA in terms of accuracy and precision over the classical Data Assimilation techniques.

Monitoring data

Geotechnical models

Jaya optimisation

Particle filter

Data assimilation


Amardeep Amavasai

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Geology and Geotechnics

Jelke Dijkstra

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Geology and Geotechnics

Applied Soft Computing Journal

1568-4946 (ISSN)

Vol. 158 111429

NordicLink - Securing Nordic linear infrastructure networks against climate induced natural hazards

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Subject Categories

Control Engineering

Signal Processing



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