Decay of extremals of Morrey’s inequality
Journal article, 2024

We study the decay (at infinity) of extremals of Morrey’s inequality in Rn. These are functions satisfying (Formula Presented) where p>n and C(p, n) is the optimal constant in Morrey’s inequality. We prove that if n≥2 then any extremal has a power decay of order β for any (Formula Presented).

decay at infinity

the p-Laplace equation

Morrey’s inequality


Ryan Hynd

University of Pennsylvania

Simon Larson

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Algebra and geometry

Erik Lindgren

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Arkiv for Matematik

0004-2080 (ISSN) 18712487 (eISSN)

Vol. 62 1 73-81

Subject Categories

Mathematical Analysis



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