Water supply security analysis of drinking water systems. For the evaluation of risks and the benefit of measures
Report, 2024

Water supply security is critical to a reliable and safe drinking water supply. Hence, interruptions in the
supply should be rare and short. The report presents a method developed for analysing water supply
security. Potential failure events are identified and modelled using the method to quantify the risk and
estimate the effect of mitigation measures. The report is part of the project Strengthening water supply
for the Gothenburg region (SVAR) project.

drinking water

Water supply security




Andreas Lindhe

Geology and Geotechnics

Samverkansmodell för regional vattenförsörjning

The Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR), 2022-05-15 -- 2023-11-30.

The Swedish Water & Wastewater Association (SVU22-109), 2022-05-15 -- 2023-11-30.

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Subject Categories

Water Engineering


Svenskt Vatten

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