The interplay of demand, internal, and supply factors in shaping maintenance performance: insights from the lithium-ion battery industry
Other conference contribution, 2024

his study explores the complex interactions among demand, internal, and supply factors influencing maintenance performance in lithium-ion battery production plants. Adopting a supply chain complexity theory lens, we conducted a qualitative analysis using an engaged scholar approach, uncovering an extensive network of relationships beyond individual complexity sources. Our findings contribute to supply chain complexity and maintenance operations literature, emphasizing factor interplay and context-specificity in designing maintenance strategies. For managers, we offer practical guidance on effectively managing complexity in maintenance operations. This study provides a foundation for future research in navigating the complex battery production landscape.

battery production

maintenance performance

complexity theory


Jon Bokrantz

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems

Hafez Shurrab

Pennsylvania State University

Anders Skoogh

Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Automation, Design along with Shipping and Marine Engineering

31st EurOMA conferene
Barcelona, Spain,

Maintenance of Battery Production at Industrial Scale (Matter Scale)

VINNOVA (2023-00809), 2023-09-15 -- 2026-09-11.

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics

Areas of Advance


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