Initial analysis of selected measures to improve the circularity of critical raw materials and other materials in vehicles
Report, 2023

The European Commission is investigating several measures to reduce the supply risk of critical raw materials (CRMs) and increase their circularity. This is also investigated in the framework of the ongoing joint revision of the end-of-life (EoL) vehicles (ELV) directive (Directive 2000/53/EC, also known as the ELVD) and the directive on the type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to their reusability, recyclability and recoverability (Directive 2005/64/EC, also known as the 3RTA). Investigated measures are also compliant with the objectives of EU strategic autonomy and the CRM act. An initial analysis of measures is provided in this report, based on Joint Research Centre (JRC) and partners’ consolidated data and knowledge on the composition of current and future critical and other materials in vehicles, to address market and/or circularity failures of targeted CRMs and other materials in passenger cars. These measures could be integrated into the ELVD or 3RTA to reach the common objective of increasing the circularity of CRMs and other materials in vehicles. Following this, a dedicated analysis of the impacts of shortlisted requirements from the assessed policy measures and the selected materials is provided. The development of the impact assessment indicates that the investigated requirements could increase critical and other materials’ circularity compared to a baseline scenario reflecting current EoL management practices. Overall, the investigated requirements could also generate additional socioeconomic benefits and improve the environmental performance of ELV management along with supporting innovation in the automotive value chain. Other accompanying requirements and synergies that can be developed with ongoing investigated measures to increase the circularity of vehicles are also discussed.

critical raw materials

policy instruments


end-of-life vehicles


Nacef Tazi

European Commission (EC)

Martina Orefice

European Commission (EC)

Charles Marmy

Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa)

Yifaat Baron

Institute for Applied Ecology

Maria Ljunggren

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis

Patrick Wäger

Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa)

Fabrice Mathieux

European Commission (EC)

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Environmental Engineering




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