Pentaerythritol Synthesis via a Solid Catalyst Route for process related CO2 reductions
Licentiate thesis, 2024
In this work, alkaline solid catalysts Na/MOx (MOx=TiO2, SnO2, and γ-Al2O3) were tested for penta formation instead of the liquid alkaline NaOH solution. The catalysts were prepared by a conventional impregnation method. All the products obtained after the catalyst activity test were analyzed by GCMS analysis. The Na alkali metal amount was quantified with ICP analysis for both fresh and spent catalysts to check the stability of the catalyst. Moreover, the textural, and physiochemical properties of the catalyst were investigated through BET, XRD, and CO2 TPD.
All the prepared catalysts stated above were active for penta synthesis along with other by-product formation, mainly consisting of penta-derivatives and diol compounds. Moreover, Na/SnO2 showed the highest activity among all the tested catalysts with 39% selectivity for penta at 59% conversion of formaldehyde. However, it was found that 26 wt.% of the Na metal also leached out of the catalyst during the synthesis reaction. To conclude, we have shown that it is possible to synthesize penta via a heterogeneous catalysis route using Na/SnO2 as a catalyst. Due to leaching and selectivity issues, further catalyst development is needed.
Cannizzaro reactions.
Solid alkaline catalyst
aldol condensation
Aqsa Noreen
Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology
Reducing process related CO2 from chemical industry
Swedish Energy Agency (50869-1), 2020-11-01 -- 2025-09-30.
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Areas of Advance
Subject Categories (SSIF 2025)
Catalytic Processes
Chemical Imaging Infrastructure
10:an, Kemigården 4
Opponent: Nina Kann, Full Professor at Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, Assistant Head of Department at Chemistry and Chemical Engineering