Environmental assessment of lifetime extension strategies
Doctoral thesis, 2025

Extending product lifetimes through strategies such as reuse, repair, or remanufacturing has been suggested as a means for delaying product replacement and thus improving products' environmental performance. To identify effective lifetime extension strategies, companies or policymakers seek guidance from the assessment of environmental impact of products with, for example, circular economy (CE) indicators or life cycle assessment (LCA). The additional product lifetime duration is the reason for the improved environmental performance with lifetime extension and, therefore, a key variable in this assessment. However, little guidance exists on how to assess lifetime extension strategies. Against this background, this research aims to develop knowledge of environmental systems analysis methodology for assessing product lifetime extension. This knowledge is used to identify methodological considerations for practitioners to select suitable assessment methods and LCA methodology for product lifetime that fit their specific assessment goal.

Applying CE indicators and LCA to case studies of lifetime extension reveals that LCA provides information on the environmental impacts while CE indicators detail variations in resource use. Thus, the choice between CE indicators and LCA depends on the type of impact a practitioner aims to evaluate. Moreover, no CE indicator accounts for resource use in the use phase, although it is key in the resource use of lifetime extension for some products. Therefore, the choice of method requires practitioners to ensure sufficient coverage of the parts of the product system for the changes from lifetime extension to be accounted for.

A review of existing LCAs of lifetime extension identifies differences in LCA methodology related to product lifetime in terms of 1) the lifetime definition (e.g., whether it includes the entire technical lifetime), 2) the lifetime integration in equations with three approaches using either a single value, a no-fixed value or a distribution, and 3) the lifetime sensitivity analysis. When testing the identified approaches on cases, the results answer different typical questions. For example, using a no-fixed value informs on the range of validity of the conclusions, while using a distribution informs on the spread and average environmental impacts in a population. It emphasises the importance of selecting a lifetime modelling methodology that aligns with the assessment goal.

Given the critical role of product lifetime in the environmental performance of lifetime extension, along with the often insufficient reporting practices and limited consideration in assessment methodology discussions, this research serves as a foundational step towards guidance to practitioners and further methodological developments.





Life Cycle Assessment


environmental assessment

circular economy


Vasa B, Vera Sandbergs Allé 8, Chalmers
Opponent: Dr. Monia Niero, Associate Professor at the Sustainability and Climate Interdisciplinary Center, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy


Adeline Jerome

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis

Mapping and testing circular economy product-level indicators: A critical review

Resources, Conservation and Recycling,;Vol. 178(2022)

Review article

Is repair of energy using products environmentally beneficial? The case of high voltage electric motors

Resources, Conservation and Recycling,;Vol. 196(2023)

Journal article

Jerome, A., Ljunggren, M. Product lifetime in life cycle assessments of circular economy – a review and consolidation of methodology

Jerome, A., Ljunggren, M., Mathieux, F., Bobba, S., Ardente, F. Product lifetime approaches in life cycle assessments of circular economy

Slowing the flow of resources in the economy by extending the lifetime of products through, e.g., reuse, repair or remanufacturing, has been suggested as strategies to reduce resource extraction and its related environmental impacts. But, when these strategies are applied to products, do they reduce environmental impacts? By how much? And which strategy to prioritise? Different assessment methods exist to answer these questions, but no clear recommendations exist on the method to select and the methodological choices to make for assessing lifetime extension.

This research compares circular economy indicators and life cycle assessment (LCA), two assessment methods commonly suggested to assess product lifetime extension, and clarifies the LCA methodology to model product lifetime, a crucial variable in these assessments. The conclusions highlight the importance of selecting a method and methodology aligned with the assessment goal.

Mistra REES (Resource-effective and efficient solutions) phase 2

The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra) (2019-00239), 2019-12-01 -- 2023-12-31.

Circular design nexus: Converging Sustainable Product development, User Behavior, and Environmental Impact

Swedish Energy Agency (2024-00760), 2024-09-01 -- 2025-04-01.

Subject Categories (SSIF 2025)

Other Environmental Engineering

Environmental Management

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Areas of Advance




Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5633



Vasa B, Vera Sandbergs Allé 8, Chalmers


Opponent: Dr. Monia Niero, Associate Professor at the Sustainability and Climate Interdisciplinary Center, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy

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