Evolution of autoresonant plasma wave excitation in two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations
Journal article, 2025

The generation of an autoresonantly phase-locked high-amplitude plasma waves to the chirped beat frequency of two driving lasers is studied in two dimensions using particle-in-cell simulations. The two-dimensional plasma and laser parameters correspond to those that optimized the plasma wave amplitude in one-dimensional simulations. Near the start of autoresonant locking, the two-dimensional simulations appear similar to one-dimensional particle-in-cell results (Luo et al., Phys. Rev. Res., vol. 6, 2024, p. 013338) with plasma wave amplitudes above the Rosenbluth-Liu limit. Later, just below wave breaking, the two-dimensional simulation exhibits a Weibel-like instability and eventually laser beam filamentation. These limit the coherence of the plasma oscillation after the peak plasma wave field is obtained. In spite of the reduction of spatial coherence of the accelerating density structure, the acceleration of self-injected electrons in the case studied remains at $70\,\%$ to $80\,\%$ of that observed in one dimension. Other effects such as plasma wave bowing are discussed.

plasma waves

plasma nonlinear phenomena

plasma instabilities


Mufei Luo

Chalmers, Physics, Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics

University of Oxford

C. Riconda

Sorbonne University

A. Grassi

Sorbonne University

N. Wang

Zhejiang University

J. S. Wurtele

University of California at Berkeley

Tünde-Maria Fülöp

University of Oxford

Chalmers, Physics, Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics

Merton College

Istvan Pusztai

Chalmers, Physics, Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics

Journal of Plasma Physics

0022-3778 (ISSN) 1469-7807 (eISSN)

Vol. 91 1 E31

Combining intense extreme ultraviolet and relativistic electron pulses for novel attosecond experiments.

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (2020.0111), 2021-01-01 -- 2025-12-31.

Subject Categories (SSIF 2025)

Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics

Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics



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