Negative Eigenvalue Estimates for the 1D Schrödinger Operator with Measure-Potential
Journal article, 2025

We investigate the negative part of the spectrum of the operator -∂2-μ on L2(R), where a locally finite Radon measure μ≥0 serves as a potential. We obtain estimates for the eigenvalue counting function, for individual eigenvalues and estimates of the Lieb–Thirring type. A crucial tool for our estimates is Otelbaev’s function, a certain average of the measure-potential μ, which is used both in the proofs and the formulation of most of the results.


Robert Fulsche

University of Hanover

Medet Nursultanov

Al Farabi Kazakh National University

University of Helsinki

Grigori Rozenblioum

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences

Annales Henri Poincare

1424-0637 (ISSN) 1424-0661 (eISSN)

Vol. In Press

Subject Categories (SSIF 2025)

Mathematical Analysis



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