Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics in Falling Film Evaporation of Black Liquor
Doctoral thesis, 2008
black liquor
kraft pulp mill
falling film
Heat transfer
Miriam Johansson
Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies
Heat transfer in evaporating black liquor falling film
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,;Vol. 2009(2009)p. 2759-2768
Journal article
Turbulence models for falling film hydrodynamics and heat transfer compared with experimental values for black liquor
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal,;Vol. 23(2008)p. 256-263
Journal article
Falling film hydrodynamics of black liquor under evaporative conditions
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,;Vol. 2009(2009)p. 2769-2778
Journal article
A new test facility for black liquor evaporation
Proceedings of the Heat-SET 2005 conference, Heat transfer in components and systems for sustainable energy technologies,;(2005)
Paper in proceeding
Heat transfer in falling film evaporation of black liquor - Experiments and theory
Licentiate thesis
Falling film evaporation of black liquor - comparison with general heat transfer correlations
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal,;Vol. 21(2006)p. 496-506
Journal article
An implementation-oriented heat transfer model for black liquor evaporation
Proceedings of the International Chemical Recovery Conference 2007, May 29-June 1, 2007, Quebec City, Canada,;(2007)p. 155-158
Paper in proceeding
Subject Categories
Energy Engineering
Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
Chemical Process Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Publication - Department of Heat & Power Technology, Chalmers University of Technology: 2008:01
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 2751
KC-salen, Kemigården, Chalmers University of Technology
Opponent: Prof. Bengt Sundén, Avdelningen för Värmeöverföring, Institutionen för Energivetenskaper, Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Sverige