Characterization of diesel model fuel sprays impinging on a temperature controlled wall using rapid thermocouples and PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer)
Other conference contribution, 2008

Spray-wall interaction has been found to influence the rate of heat release and the formation of emissions in DI diesel engines. Experimental and numerical studies of sprays impinging on a wall have shown that the heat transfer and droplet size and velocity distributions vary when there is a change of such parameters as wall temperature, air temperature, injection pressure and distance to the wall. The objective of this work is to experimentally study how the surface temperature of a wall and different air temperatures affect the properties of an impinging spray of a two--component model fuel (IDEA) that consists of 70 % n-decane and 30 % 1-methylnaphthalene using rapid thermocouples and a phase doppler particle analyzer (PDPA). The experiments were carried out in the high-pressure, high-temperature (HP/HT) spray rig at Chalmers. Air temperatures were chosen to achieve both evaporating and non-evaporating conditions of the fuel. The air pressure was adjusted to give the same density for all cases. A standard common rail system controlled by a solenoid valve together with a single-hole nozzle was used for two different fuel injection pressures.


Alf Magnusson

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics

Tobias Joelsson

Francois Turcan

Sven B Andersson

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics

Ilass Europe 2008

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Mechanical Engineering

Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics

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