Alpha-decay half-life of Fr-221 in different environments
Journal article, 2007

A possible dependence of the alpha decay process on the solid-state environment of the decaying nucleus has been investigated by measuring the alpha-decay half-life of Fr-221 at room temperature in different materials (Au, W, Si and polyethylene). The change in half-life between the insulator Si and the metals Au/W is found to be 0.30(17)% / 0.42(21)%, respectivly. Furthermore an improved value of 4.79(2) min was found for the absolute half-life of Fr-221.


H. B. Jeppesen

J. Byskov-Nielsen

P. Wright

Chalmers, Fundamental Physics

J. G. Correia

L. M. Fraile

H. O. U. Fynbo

K Johnston

K. Riisager

European Physical Journal A

1434-6001 (ISSN) 1434-601X (eISSN)

Vol. 32 1 31-34

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Physical Sciences



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