Investigation on the Influence of Nodularity in Machining of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI)
Licentiate thesis, 2008
Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI)
cutting forces
wear mechanisms
tool wear
tool temperature
cutting temperature
Gustav Grenmyr
Chalmers, Materials and Manufacturing Technology
Analysis of CGI Machining by Investigation of Tool Temperature and Cutting Force
Proceedings of the “1st International Conference on Process Machine Interactions”, Hannover, Germany, September 3-4, 2008,;(2008)p. 379-390
Paper in proceeding
Analysis of Tool Wear in CGI Machining
Proceedings of International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, June 29th - July 2nd, 2008 – Orlando, Florida, USA,;Vol. Volume I(2008)p. 34-39
Paper in proceeding
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
Technical report - Department of Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Chalmers University of Technology
Delta-Gamma, Hörsalsvägen 7, Chalmers University of Technology
Opponent: Dr Carin Andersson, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden