1.56-μs continuously tunable parametric delay line for a 40-Gb/s signal
Journal article, 2009

Experimental demonstration of an all-fiber, all-optical continuously tunable delay line is reported. The 1.56-mu s delay with a record 62,400 time-delay bit-rate product was characterized for a 40-Gbps data channel. The result was enabled by parametric dispersion compensation with cascaded triple-conversion in highly-nonlinear fiber capable of continuous tuning over 39.5 nm.


E. Myslivets

N. Alic

S. Moro

B. Kuo

R. M. Jopson

Colin McKinstrie

Magnus Karlsson

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Photonics

S. Radic

Optics Express

1094-4087 (ISSN) 10944087 (eISSN)

Vol. 17 14 11958-11964

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