Digital information literacy: A case study in Oslo public library
Book chapter, 2015

This paper examines the digital information literacy (DIL) of public library professionals in Norway and explores the ways to improve their skills as well as identify barriers to improvement. The case study method was used and semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with twenty public library professionals. The knowledge sharing approach was visible among the staff, but the slow adaptation of technology, and organizational, personal, and technological barriers were hindering the DIL development. Online training modules, mapping the staff competencies, assessment of the staff needs, advanced and customized training programs, long-term strategies, and decentralized initiatives were suggested for the improvement of DIL.

Digital information literacy

Deichmanske bibliotek

Oslo public library


Information literacy

Public library


Momena Khatun

Independent researcher

Sirje Virkus

Tallinn University

Jakaria Rahman

University of Antwerp

Information Literacy: Moving Toward Sustainability

978-3-319-28197-1 (ISBN)

Subject Categories

Work Sciences

Information Studies

Information Systemes, Social aspects



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