Chalmers University of Technology

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Showing 8 publications


Ultrafast entropy production in pump-probe experiments

Lorenzo Caprini, Hartmut Löwen, Richard Matthias Geilhufe
Nature Communications (1)
Journal article

Quantum Metal-Organic Frameworks

Zhehao Huang, Richard Matthias Geilhufe
Small Science (10)
Review article

Global machine learning potentials for molecular crystals

Ivan Žugec, Richard Matthias Geilhufe, Ivor Lončarić
Journal of Chemical Physics (15)
Journal article

A Brief Review of Electronic and Magnetic Structure of TIF3

Gayanath W. Fernando, Donal Sheets, Jason Hancock et al
International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems
Journal article

Composite quadrupole order in ferroic and multiferroic materials

Richard Matthias Geilhufe
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter (5)
Journal article

Correlation-Driven Magnetic Frustration and Insulating Behavior of TiF3

Gayanath W. Fernando, Donal Sheets, Jason Hancock et al
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letetrs (3)
Journal article

Mott insulating low thermal expansion perovskite TiF3

Donal Sheets, Kaitlin Lyszak, Menka Jain et al
Physical Review B (23)
Journal article

Magnetoelectrics and multiferroics: theory, synthesis, characterisation, preliminary results and perspectives for all-optical manipulations

D. Bossini, D. M. Juraschek, Richard Matthias Geilhufe et al
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (27)
Review article
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