Chalmers University of Technology

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Showing 43 publications


Measurement and three-dimensional simulation of flow in a rectangular detention tank

Åsa Adamsson, Lars Bergdahl, Sven Lyngfelt
Urban Water Journal (4), p. 277-287
Journal article

Tredimensionell analys av strömning i va-anläggningar

Lars Bergdahl, Sven Lyngfelt, Åsa Adamsson
Bygg & teknik (2), p. 57-60
Magazine article

Numerical simulation and large-scale physical modelling of flow in a detention basin

Åsa Adamsson, Jesper Persson, Sven Lyngfelt
Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Urban Storm Drainage, Sydney, Australia 30 Aug-3 Sept, 1999, p. 1175-1183
Other conference contribution

Three-dimensional numerical modelling of energy losses in a manhole

Martin Asztély, Sven Lyngfelt
Proc. of International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage
Magazine article
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