Malin Ehleskog

Showing 8 publications


Low Temperature Combustion in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine

Malin Ehleskog
Doctoral thesis

Effects of Variable Inlet Valve Timing and Swirl Ratio on Combustion and Emissions in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine

Malin Ehleskog, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 9
Journal article

Effects of Varying Engine Settings on Combustion Parameters, Emissions, Soot and Temperature Distributions in Low Temperature Combustion of Fischer-Tropsch and Swedish Diesel Fuels

Monica Johansson, Savo Gjirja, Malin Ehleskog et al
SAE 2990 Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting (SAE no 2009-01-2787)
Paper in proceeding

Effects of High Injection Pressure, EGR and Charge Air Pressure on Combustion and Emissions in an HD Single Cylinder Diesel Engine

Malin Ehleskog, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE International Journal of Engines. Vol. 2 (2), p. 341-354
Journal article

The Effect of Charge Air and Fuel Injection Parameters on Combustion with High Levels of EGR in a HDDI Single Cylinder Diesel Engine

Malin Alriksson, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE World Congress, Detroit, SAE paper 2007-01-0914
Paper in proceeding

Low Temperature Combustion in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Using High Levels of EGR

Malin Alriksson, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE Technical Papers
Journal article

Low Soot, Low NOx in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Using High Levels of EGR

Malin Alriksson, Tanja Rente, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE fuels and lubricants, San Antonio, 2005
Paper in proceeding

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