Bin Yang

Showing 4 publications


Array response interpolation and DOA estimation with array response decomposition

Bin Yang, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg et al
Signal Processing. Vol. 125, p. 97-109
Journal article

Array Calibration using Array Response Interpolation and Parametric Modeling

Bin Yang, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
Proc. European Signal Processing Conference 2015 (EUSIPCO 2015), p. 1346-1350
Paper in proceeding

Nanoparticles of SnAgCu lead-free solder alloy with an equivalent melting temperature of SnPb solder alloy

Yulai Gao, Changdong Zou, Bin Yang et al
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 484 (1-2), p. 777-781
Journal article

Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Lead-free Solder Nanoparticle

Cristina Andersson, Changdong Zou, Bin Yang et al
Proceedings of the 2nd Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference, p. 915-922
Paper in proceeding

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