Damiano Ognissanti

Lecturer at Algebra and geometry

I teach at the department of mathematical sciences and my focus is on digitization, flipped classroom and blended learning. I also conduct research in these fields.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Damiano Ognissanti

Showing 3 publications


Estimating Analytical Errors of Glomerular Filtration Rate Measurement

Damiano Ognissanti, Moa Andresen Bergstrom, Elvar Theodorsson et al
Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 68 (9), p. 1211-1218
Journal article

Long-term Transplant Function After Thrombolytic Treatment Ex Vivo of Donated Kidneys Retrieved 4 to 5 Hours After Circulatory Death

Michael Olausson, Deepti Antony, Martin Johansson et al
Transplantation. Vol. 106 (12), p. 2348-2359
Journal article

A study of involuntary distance teachers’ experiences

Damiano Ognissanti
Bidrag från 8:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, p. 118-130
Paper in proceeding

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