Deborah Louise Rushton

Showing 6 publications


Learning lessons in resilient traffic management: A cross-domain study of Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) and Air Traffic Control (ATC)

Gesa Praetorius, Fulko Cornelis van Westrenen, Deborah Louise Rushton et al
Human Factors: a view from an integrative perspective
Book chapter

An environmental assessment of air traffic speed constraints in the departure phase of flight: A case study at Gothenburg Landvetter Airport, Sweden

Henrik Ekstrand, Deborah Louise Rushton, Xavier Prats et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 17 (8), p. 610-618
Journal article

The morphology and kinematics of the Fine Ring Nebula, planetary nebula Sp 1, and the shaping influence of its binary central star

Deborah Louise Rushton
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 420 (3), p. 2271-2279
Journal article

A CO2 versus noise trade-off study for the evaluation of current air traffic departure procedures

Deborah Louise Rushton, Henrik Ekstrand
SESAR First innovation Days, November 2011, Toulouse, France
Paper in proceeding

A new method for measuring energy intensity during commercial flight missions

Henrik Ekstrand, Deborah Louise Rushton, Ulrika Ziverts
AIAA XIX ISABE Procedings. Vol. ISABE-2011-1430
Paper in proceeding

A Human Factors Assessment of Mixed-mode Air Traffic Arrival and Approach Procedures

Deborah Louise Rushton, Rikard Eklund, Henrik Ekstrand
Proceedings of the Swedish Human Factors Network (HFN) Conference, Linköping, Sweden, November 24-25, 2011.
Paper in proceeding

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