Guangzhong Dong

Showing 9 publications


Analysis and Estimation of the Maximum Switch Current during Battery System Reconfiguration

Weiji Han, Anton Kersten, Changfu Zou et al
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 69 (6), p. 5931-5941
Journal article

Optimized multi-source fusion based state of health estimation for lithium-ion battery in fast charge applications

Ji Wu, Leichao Fang, Jinhao Meng et al
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Vol. 37 (2), p. 1489-1498
Journal article

A Hierarchical Approach for Finite-time H- State Observer and Probabilistic Lifetime Prediction of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Guangzhong Dong, Yan Xu, Zhongbao Wei
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Noise-Immune Model Identification and State-of-Charge Estimation for Lithium-Ion Battery Using Bilinear Parameterization

Zhongbao Wei, Guangzhong Dong, Xinan Zhang et al
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 68 (1), p. 312-323
Journal article

Dynamic Bayesian Network based Lithium-ion Battery Health Prognosis for Electric Vehicles

Guangzhong Dong, Weiji Han, Yujie Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 68 (11), p. 10949-20958
Journal article

Determination of the load capability for a lithium-ion battery pack using two time-scale filtering

Guangzhong Dong, Jingwen Wei
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 480
Journal article

Next-Generation Battery Management Systems: Dynamic Reconfiguration

Weiji Han, Torsten Wik, Anton Kersten et al
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine. Vol. 14 (4), p. 20-31
Journal article

A noise-tolerant model parameterization method for lithium-ion battery management system

Zhongbao Wei, Difan Zhao, Hongwen He et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 268
Journal article

Data-driven lithium-ion battery states estimation using neural networks and particle filtering

Chenbin Zhang, Yayun Zhu, Guangzhong Dong et al
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 43 (14), p. 8230-8241
Journal article

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