Irene Isaksson-Hellman

Showing 1 publications


A method for identifying aggressive driving by using naturalistic driving data

Jordanka Kovaceva, Irene Isaksson-Hellman
7th International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Modelling Interaction between Cyclists and Automobiles 2

Alessia Knauss Software Engineering (Chalmers)
Magdalena Lindman Unknown organization
Prateek Thalya Vehicle Safety
Jordanka Kovaceva Vehicle Safety
Irene Isaksson-Hellman Unknown organization
Nils Lübbe Vehicle Safety
Tobias Aderum Unknown organization
Amritpal Singh Unknown organization
Fredrik Bruzelius Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Alexander Rasch Vehicle Safety
Marco Dozza Crash Analysis and Prevention
FFI - Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation

3 publications exist
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